There were three young black girls going nuts with yelling, they were fantastic. I chatted with a few Hillary voters trying to change their minds. I walked one lady across the street trying to change her vote. Hopefully I've influenced a couple of votes. We had an old Sikh cab driver say Vote for Hillary. We'll never crack that choke-hold she has on the Sikh taxi voting bloc.
I canvassed in Virginia today with Matt Merry. Its crazy to do this stuff with my friends, you get to see such interesting sides of people. He was a bit shy about it, weird for a guy like him, but I loved that he was pitching in and "walking the walk" as he called it. It took an hour and a half for us to get started because of our inability to follow directions or use our I-phones correctly. We got done really fast, we had a five person team for a small area.
The support was solid. We had won lady talk to us at length about how John Kerry would make a better running mate than Oprah, I couldn't help but agree with her tricky choice. Maryland tomorrow, DC on Tuesday! I'm so sick of primaries I could vomit.
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